This time of year many focus on things fearful, scary, and spooky. The fear many of us deal with, or struggle with isn't the type of fear that is represented by awe and respect, or the fear that keeps us out of trouble. It is the fear that keeps us from doing what we know is right, keeping us from letting go and fully experiencing what God has for us. For me the fear of the unknown, entering into new situations, not being in control, and the fear of how someone else may interpret my actions often have such a paralyzing grip on me, it keeps me from moving forward and stepping into areas where God is leading. It isn't the fear that prevents me from entering a harmful situation, God wouldn't lead me there.
If God didn't give us the spirit of fear, as 2 Timothy 1:7 says, then it must be coming from somewhere else. Satan has a counterfeit for everything God has. While God may have given me that healthy fear to keep me safe, Satan offers fear to provide a false sense of security. If I don't go here or there, do this or that, then I don't have to worry about dealing with other people and or new situations.
Many people see me as horribly introverted, yet I often question if I'm more of an introvert, or just fearful. Being around large groups of people and enter acting with them does drain me quite a bit, and fill me with anxiety from time to time. I don't get energized by being around large groups of people like my extrovert friends do. Although, is that just me, an introvert, quiet and reserved? If you've read through my blogs, you know how I don't care for labels and false IDs. The more I think on it, it has more to do with fear than just being an introvert who prefers to stay away from people and crowded situations.
2 Timothy1:7 says, " For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." This fear comes from the devil and keeps us from living the way God intended. We are given power to overcome anything that comes our way and given love more than any human can give. The fear of being rejected and unloved keeps so many from living a full life. I know, that was me. Sometimes it still is. When you have the love of God the Father and are accepted as His child, all other love pales in comparison.
Through Jesus' sacrifice we're given the spirit of sonship, not the spirit of bondage to fear. Paul Reminds us of this in Romans 8:15 saying, "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption,whereby we cry, Abba, Father." When we live with out that unhealthy fear, we can and should live with boldness as we're called. Living in boldness opens the door to mercy and grace, so we can live with out fear and go into those places God calls us. Hebrews 4:16 further says," Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
As we look around the world we live in it can often seem dark, there are many things, with good human reasoning that bring on fear. However we don't need to be afraid of the dark or any darkness that wants to overcome us. In john 1:8 Jesus says,"... whoever follows me will not walk in darkness..." In Matthew 5 we're reminded that we have that same light of Jesus in us guiding us. That light should not be kept hidden but shown to the world so that others can see the light of truth and love that banishes fear and darkness in order to live a full life, the way God intended, with out fear from the darkness Satan tries to cover us in.
Go let your light shine, don't be afraid of the dark! "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5