Wednesday, October 7, 2015

He's There Like the Deer in the Mist

His presence can be experienced like a deer in the fall mist.

Most of the time people are too focused or consumed with what they want and how they want it, they miss out on what God has right in front of them. In the very beginning God created man to live in His presence, to love and be loved by Him, while they ruled over His creation. Men are not robots, we're given free will, but don't have the same knowledge God has. Therefore, we need the guidance of God and are expected to follow it, but not made to follow it. When we follow Him, we stay in his presence. When we don't, we loose sight of Him.

God provides everything man needs. However, when Adam and Eve had a desire to become like God instead of having faith that He has provided all they needed, sin entered the world and put a veil between man and God. The ability to be in the presence of God was removed. Although, God had a built in plan through His son to restore the ability to enter into His presence. 

Between the fall of man and the sacrifice of Jesus, only priests who were found blameless could go behind the veil and enter the holiest of holy places. It was in the man made tabernacle where God's presence dwelt. Once a year priests would go to make atonement sacrifices for man's sin. Once Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice that veil has been removed and the presence of the Lord can once again be experienced by His people, His greatest creation.

As I'm learning more about the spirit of the Lord and what it means to experience His presence and just abide in Him, I've had some pretty interesting encounters like the words that flow through as I write blogs and especially the one where He showed me my life from a different perspective during a time of worship. I wrote about that experience in a few blog posts ago titled, "Behold".  Yet, I find as I acknowledge that I've had encounters, I find myself not being quite satisfied. I want more. I suppose my humanness gets in the way. If God just downloaded into me every thing He had for me at once, I'd probably explode! So He gives it to me in small doses, my impatient self wants to know and see it all now! Kinda like Adam and Eve, eh?

See, I've lived so long with the head knowledge that there is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But missing out on experiencing the Holy Spirit. While I want to experience that Holy Spirit, part of me is hesitant, because it means letting go of control, it means giving up some beliefs I held on to, that might have been a little flawed. Which is probably why I don't get to experience as much as I could. I have to be completely surrendered. A common theme God's revealing.

I've started entering places and situations expecting to see God show up. Asking Him to fill me with His presence, and show me things, and for the most part He does.  Just not in ways I expected. Of course God's ways aren't mine and His thoughts are higher than mine. Oh, simple human, that I am.  This is going to be a life long lesson. One that will continue to be improved upon as time goes on and I just meet Jesus face to face. 

Again, being human with limited understanding I was going on a little rant while taking a walk near the campground I was staying at yesterday. It was going to be time to return home in a few hours and I was really hoping God was going to reveal something new about me, give me some sort of direction, as I've really been seeking that for quite some time. I was hoping to feel refreshed and ready to get back to the real world, and I wasn't. I wanted to see deer or something cool like I saw in the pictures while researching the campgrounds. I was complaining, although it was a very beautiful misty Fall morning, very quiet, no one, nothing else around, just me and my dog. I was even taking all kinds of beautiful pictures. "But God couldn't even show me a deer? How come He seems to talk to other people in great ways, am I any less? What's wrong with me? God I'm opening myself to you daily, do you just have selective hearing when it comes to me? How come you don't do more? Aren't we always supposed to expect great things?" My rant went on...

Just then as if on cue, a deer appears out of the Fall must (in the midst of my complaining), stops, and looks at me and seems to study my dog and I.  We stood there quietly watching with those holy goosebumps washing over me. It allowed me to take a picture. Then it gracefully leapt away and was gone faster than it appeared! I laughed and thanked God for showing such a beautiful moment and asked for forgiveness for acting like a spoiled child. 

This moment let me know or at least reminded me that God does listen, He hears me and cares about even the silly requests like, "I want to see a deer." And that I do have access to His presence, I can't exactly command Him like a genie, but when I truly seek Him, He'll be there if I just get quiet, still, and listen. Truly listen.  With that being said, I have to practice shutting off the noise in my head, quiet all my wants and desires, and listen and wait for His. Oh boy, do I need His help with this!! Good thing we serve a patient God! 

My hope and future lie in His presence, even when, like today, I don't feel it, and I struggle with some depression and anxiety. He's there like the deer in the mist, waiting for me to stop and listen and look to HIM. 

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.’(Acts 2:28)

What is your focus on? Where does your hope and future lie, on what you want to see, or what God wants to show you?

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