Are you drowning in your circumstances, fighting the current, or are you content to stretch out your arms lay back and go with the flow? No matter where you find yourself, the river's gonna keep on rolling on, weather you fight it or go with it. The river is continually flowing to Him or where we will one day stay for eternity. So we can't fight it. What circumstances do you find surrounding your life right now?
Sometimes we get caught up in the circumstances of our life. We hit snags and get stuck. Sometimes we think we can control the flow of life, or swim completely against the current, because where God is taking us, isn't where we think we want to, or are ready to go. Yet, other times the waves just seem so big and strong we think we're not going to make it or see calm waters again. However, all of that reasoning comes from our own thoughts influenced by the devil himself!
The ability to navigate through the waters of life, around, over, and past our circumstances depends on how we think about them. Which is why God's word cautions us about how we think. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says,"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" (KJV) I like how the NIV puts it,"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." How often do we have arguments in our head about what we are going to do or how we should have handled a certain situation? We can stop those arguments if we just bring our thoughts into captivity! Under God's control, not ours and make the wiser decisions.
Every action, reaction, and emotion begins with a thought. How many people are caught in the cycle of anxiety and depression? I know I still battle it today, especially lately. I once heard a pastor ask, what he believed to be a rhetorical question, "how could a person be depressed if they are counting their blessings?" That used to really make me mad! I thought, he has no idea and must have never battled anxiety and depression the way I have. Now, I'm a little older and wiser, and I see some truth in what he said. I may still battle anxiety and depression, but I'm also aware of my thought life before and during the episode. There are a few things in life, if I give too much thought to them, I'm in a full blown anxiety attack. There are also times when I have one that seems to come out of the blue for no reason, the true reason is, we're under attack. We all are, the mind is Satan's favorite place to play and attack. Remember the verse Ephesians 6:12 about fighting against spiritual forces of evil? It's real and it's why we're told in Philippians 4:8-13, "8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.10 I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
How often are we staying aware of what is going on in our thought life? Do we bring it back when it starts to drift away out to sea? When difficult circumstances arise like huge crashing waves, it's difficult to think of anything but the hurt and possible destruction it's going to bring. When we can't see past the wave, we can't see the strong and steady hand reaching out to grab us, pull us up above the wave, and place us back in the calm waters. We don't look for it and we don't grab it. We stay there trying to tread water. When we stay focused on what we know to be true and praise worthy, not the what-ifs, the waves we find ourself in don't seem so big. We can be content in knowing Jesus will be there when we call out to Him. He'll guide us through the rough waters and even pull us out if needed.
Through it all, He will give you the strength to get through. There will be times you will be able to rest and float a while. But still continue to follow the way He's leading. Don't drift out to see. Jesus will save you of course, but why go through all the storms out on the sea if you don't have to? There are times we don't have control over the circumstances that might cause us to be tossed out to see, but when that happens, keep your focus on Him, like a lighthouse showing you where the jagged rocks are to avoid, and to get you back to safety.
I've learned a few things about the way the Lord works in our lives. If He brought you to it, He'll bring you through it. Most importantly, however, God will ALWAYS does one of three things: He'll either lead you through the storms, if you follow His light he puts out for you. He'll deliver you from the storm, just cause the wind to cease. Or, if you're saved, He'll take you home to be with Him, where you'll walk along the crystal seas. Usually it's the first thing, by going through the storms we have a chance to learn and grow stronger.
Once you have survived a storm, don't you feel stronger? When you look back and see how Jesus pulled you through, your faith is increased and you know He'll do it again. If someone told you years ago, you would have to face the storms in life you've made it through, at that time, would you think you could handle it? Probably not, but you did.
Wherever you are in life, in the calm still waters or the raging storms, be content, know God is there to guide you home safely. I say all of this because many in our world, our country are lost at sea, the waters are raging, and they feel alone and weak. If you're in the calm waters floating around allow Jesus to be the light in you and use it to guide others from from the jagged rocks ahead. If you're in the storm, reach out, take His hand and follow His light. You will get through this! Your hope and future depend on Him getting you through it all.
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