Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Trusting God to Make a Way

My husband, Tim and I are always going off on these "adventures". On the weekend we get in the car with no plan at all. We say a prayer of protection and guidance and invite God along for the ride. He never fails to show up and show us beautiful, fun, and amazing things. I'm always taking pictures of what we see and have decided to incorporate them into my blogs.

Things have been a bit of a strain lately, financially. Which is why our adventures only consist of free stuff like driving around. My car gets pretty good gas mileage. It's pretty inexpensive to just take a drive and explore. From God's beauty around us to funny signs along the way we enjoy spending time in search of the next cool or amazing thing. It's a great way for Tim and I to stay connected to each other and God.

We came across this sign and it reminded me that as long as I trust in HIM, He'll make straight my path. He will led us in the way that we should go, weather taking a new unexplored route or finding a better job that I really need right now. He is in control and we need to put Him first and follow his lead. He'll never lead us astray!

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