You owe me!
Get over it and move on...
We are all human and live in a fallen world where sin reigns, a world that will one day be redeemed.
Reading in Genesis 2:4 through 5:32, the very beginning of history, we learn Adam and Eve were the main object of God's creation. His creation was beautiful and innocent. Adam and Eve had full access and daily fellowship with the Lord, they knew Him and his desires for their lives while living in the beautiful perfect garden created just for them, that provided all their needs with out having to work for it. However, it didn't take long before it was over-turned by the self-willed disobedience of Adam and Eve. Fellowship was severed and evil began to twist, turn, and knit its cancerous entanglement through the progression of history.
Evil has infused itself in all aspects of our life including; the government, places of employment, schools, social media, books, and news casts; sadly, even in our own families, the list could go on and on. It has strained our relationships with others and has further separated us from the Lord.
Through Jesus we're given the gift of restoration of fellowship with our creator. We're offered forgiveness! It is a gift we have the option to take, open up, and share with others. We share it with those who have harmed us or robbed us. Are we so much bigger or more important than God that we can withhold forgiveness from others? Are we so great that we would turn our nose up and refuse to even accept the gift?
I don't know what you have experienced in your life that is so great that you are unwilling to forgive. Unfogiveness is pretty much saying, you'd rather hold on to the pain and hurt, or wallow in the depression caused by the hurt and pain you refuse to let go of. That's a hard truth to swallow. I know I've had to do it myself. As mentioned in my first blog post here, some know, I've had to forgive the abuse by multiple people in my life: sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, and abandonment. All of these abuses were experienced over a span of time by different individuals, some even in authority over me.
While I have forgiven and moved on. I've stopped feeling like those who have harmed me, hurt me, robbed me if dreams of a future I thought I was going to have, owed me. I wanted them to hurt as much as I hurt, cry as much as I cried. But I had no power to affect their heart, that was up to God and them, weather or not they were willing to turn to the Lord. Forgiveness, letting it all go, and giving it to the Lord to take care of is so freeing and healing!! It doesn't mean that the offenses are now okay and in some situations doesn't mean we will have restored relationships. It does mean that it is okay to move in and have the life God wants us to have. One that is restored, blessed, and has hope and a future. It also gives us a chance to forgive ourselves, because we know that some of the hurts, pains, and offensive things done to us would not have happened if we didn't put ourselves in certain situations, or if our actions didn't provoke others to stumble and sin against us.
There are many examples of forgiveness in the Bible. Things happened that we couldn't imagine going through ourselves. While I have been homeless, I never had to live in a cave running for my life. I never had to consider eating pig slop. I have had some inappropriate relationships, but never faced stoning. I haven't been sold into slavery. But these people had and yet they forgave and or was offered forgiveness.
Esau forgave his twin brother, Jacob for scheming, plotting, and later stealing a large part of his inheritance. (Genesis 33)
Joseph, the youngest son of 11 brothers forgave all of his brothers who were jealous of him, kidnapped him, threw him in a pit, and sold him into slavery where he later encountered false accusations and was thrown into prison! However, through it all Joseph never turned from the Lord. Through God's provisions and blessings Joseph was released from prison and became one of the most powerful men in the land. When a great famine came Joseph not only forgave his brothers but he provided food and the necessary items to survive the famine. (Genesis 37-50)
Through out 1 Samuel, Saul sought to kill David. David feared for his life for a very long time and even hid in caves to stay alive. Yet, he always responded with kindness and forgiveness to the household of Saul. After Saul and his son Jonathan's death, David became king. David made sure that their land was restored and cared for. David made a place for Saul's grandson, Mephibosheth at his own table so that he was accepted as part of the kings family. (2 Samuel 9)
Many know, the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The son of a wealthy man who wanted all his inheritance early, before his father died. When he received it all he left his family and duties at home and wasted it. When the economy tanked he had no money, job and or friends. He found himself taking whatever job he could get. Even taking care of pigs for a farmer. He was so poor and hungry, he considered eating the same slop the pigs ate to stay alive. When this son came to his senses and returned to his father, in hopes he could be one of his servants, he was welcomed with open arms and restored to the former position he held in the family. (Luke 15)
There was a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. She was brought to Jesus by the spiritual leaders in town. The Law of God at that time would have the woman stoned. However, Jesus said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!" They dropped their rocks and walked away. Jesus forgave the woman and told her to go and sin no more. (John 8)
JESUS OFFERED FORGIVENESS AND TOLD THE ADULTEROUS WOMAN TO SIN NO MORE. Do you think she never sinned again? Remember she is human and living in that fallen world. But I'm sure she did her best and shared forgiveness in her heart with others. Once you receive that gift it is hard not to share! That's all that is required of us. Accept the gift and share it with others!!!
This doesn't mean be happy you're going through trials, but realize in the end, on the other side of it, there is strength and wisdom you gained from it.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28)
Everything means everything! Even all that ugly stuff! I know for me, I have greater compassion for those who have been abused, those who have taken wrong turns, those who have hurt others.
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? (Romans 8:31)
While we know we will face hurts in life, know, no matter what God is for us!
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.(Philippians 4:4,5)
Don't let the things of this world Rob you of your joy. You can choose to be happy or choose to stay in a state of depression. The decision is yours, a decision I didn't think was possible to make for a very long time. The circumstances you're in won't last forever and to put it into perspective, compared to all eternity it's just a short breath in time. You will over come if you want it bad enough, are willing to let go and let God's joy fill you.
"...Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." (Philippians 4:8) If your mind is kept on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable, it will be easier to (not easy) to forgive and stay out of the pit of pain, depression, and hurt. Which in turn keeps you from feeling that others who have contributed to your pain, loss, suffering, and depression, owe you!
It's not easy to let go, accept forgiveness yourself, and forgive others. It takes hard work. Anything worth having is worth working for. It is necessary to heal and move on. If you don't the poison of pain, hurt and depression WILL KILL YOU, if not physically, it will spiritually.
You owe it to yourself to forgive and move on, so that you can receive the hope and future God has for you. Will you choose forgiveness today? Or poison?